Fe·lic·i·ty: noun - the state of being happy, especially in a high degree; bliss.

Come visit us for a little retail therapy - where we offer the boutique experience without the price! We're tucked away, off the beaten path near Bush Park...located next door to Eric John Photography!

Come in and find your inner Felicity...

Friday, July 5, 2013

"Operation Bra Drop" size request

Operation Bra Drop Update!

 I need SMALLER sizes! I am partnered with Casa de Paz - an orphanage in Ensenada, Mexico though my church, Court Street Christian. This orphanage is requesting smaller sizes for the women and children. 

 I am out of: 

I need these no later than July 12th to make the trip. They need to be clean and in good condition.
Drop them off anytime we're open! 

Thank you for your support!!!